Building Matters successfully resolves over 80% of all disputes where parties participate in conciliation.

A major element of our success is in providing information and advice which helps all involved to gain a better understanding of their rights and responsibilities.

measurewomanResolution of disputes can be achieved via:

  • Face-to-face meetings or conferences conducted via a three-way teleconference.
  • A telephone ‘shuttle’ negotiation service, where Building Matters Advocates hold separate teleconferences with each of the parties in dispute


Building Matters will provide a written record of agreements reached which gives a reliable basis for resolving the conflict, allowing the situation to move forward.

The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal can enforce these agreements, if necessary.

Resolving difficult issues can take some thought and preparation. Clarifying the main issues and their impact, as well as identifying a range of workable options for each party, promotes constructive discussion.

Despite conflict being an everyday part of life today, for some people it is often difficult to deal with. Taking some time to consider the other party’s viewpoint and what might work for them as well, is also a helpful part of preparation.


The steps below identify some things you should bear in mind when preparing for conciliation with the other party in dispute.

Step 1: What are the issues?

  • Briefly describe the situation. What happened? When did it happen? Who was involved? Why did it happen?
  • List your concerns and why you have them.
  • What do you think the other party’s issues are? How do you think they are affected by this conflict?

Step 2: The phone conciliation

  • What result could you accept and live with?
  • What do you think the other party wants to get out of the situation?
  • What other options could you suggest that might help to resolve the matter?

Step 3: Where to from here?

  • What caused things to get to this stage?
  • What could you have done differently, or will do differently next time?
  • What will you do if the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction?

Building Matters can provide you with appropriate options to consider in resolving your dispute in a timely manner to reduce stress and money.